Sometimes I wake up anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours before my regular alarm time because I need to pee badly. Usually, I sit in bed and debate if it is worth getting out of bed to do my business. This usually just wastes time, because I have to get up eventually due to the pain. I don't know why I sit there and think about it. It's not like I've ever regretted getting up and going. Usually, I crawl back in bed real cozy thinking, "Ahhhh, much better."
Unfortunately, my wake-up self has almost no relation to my normal self. When I think about this person, it is not really me; it is another version of me. It is like me in an alternate reality. If only there was a way to cross the barrier and communicate with this person, kind of like how some wish they could give their younger selves advice. If I could talk to this version of me, I would tell him, "Don't debate, just get up and pee. You always end up doing it anyway. And you have NEVER ONCE REGRETTED IT!" If only.
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