Friday, February 16, 2007

Simply The Worst

The most annoying thing is that line on your socks being to the side or on the bottom of your foot. That thing goes on top, man.


Tar Heel Tiger said...

yes, but worse for me is when I'm sitting at the light or driving down the interstate and I realize I'm about to put 2 left socks on my feet, i.e. the logo is on the left side of each sock. I usually check my socks before I leave for work, but sometimes I just ASSume they are matched correctly. Those days I wish I had two left feet.
And no, I've never even considered putting on my socks and shoes before leaving the house.

michael said...

I can't believe you have "right" and "left" designated socks. You must be really important. I still use the cheap omnisock.