Thursday, November 19, 2009

No Talk Shows

Why is it that someone can go on a talk show and admit they used to be addicted to illegal drugs and don't get in any trouble with the law, but if I went on a TV show and finally admitted I used to have an addiciton to killing drifters, they would put me in jail? I'm not saying I've had that addiction, I'm just saying.

Friday, November 06, 2009


In the second draft of the movie script I am writing, in the last scene, the bad guy reveals himself to be... Bigfoot! He was old Sasquatch himself the whole time! Hidden under that costume of human skin was a hairy, mangy beast whose insane blood lust was only outweighed by his yearning to be human! He ends up getting killed by the sheriff with a bow and arrow... but as he falls off the cliff into the lava, he grabs Michelle's dress and tragically takes her with him! In the end, the sheriff loses his evidence of Bigfoot, and his mother is dead, but he comes out of things with a new outlook on life.

However, in the third draft, I dropped the Bigfoot character entirely and replaced him with a robot tiger who could talk. In the fifth draft, I scrapped the whole idea of a "bad guy" and turned it into more of a romantic comedy. I would still like to include that Bigfoot bombshell in there somewhere, though.