Some people say the next thing after socialized medicine is death panels deciding who lives and who dies in some cases. But do you know what I say? What's so wrong with having death panels anyway? I mean, someone's got to decide, right? Might as well be an impartial panel. There's only so much medicine to go around, people, public health care or not.
I admit part of the reason I am pro-death panel is because I would definitely apply to be on a panel. That job would be awesome. Holding all these lives in the palm of your hand. If I was the head of a death panel, I would insist we vote with either thumbs up or thumbs down, just like Caesar does in the movies. Also, if your fate comes down to a death panel decision, I think it would be good to have previously been involved with said death panel as a member. It will be a lot harder for them to let you die, having previously been friends. Of course, I have a good personality and people generally like me. For those of you with more abrasive personalities, maybe it would be better to steer clear of all death panel members as much as possible.